The BCDx96XT, BCDxxxP2, and BCDx36HP series scanners already have the firmware updates to support 800mhz rebanding.

GetParameter ( 5 ) # ending date as datetime dayInterval = arcpy. GetParameter ( 4 ) # starting date as datetime endDate = arcpy. GetParameterAsText ( 3 ) # time zone startDate = arcpy. GetParameterAsText ( 2 ) # multipatch from 3D files inTimeZone = arcpy. GetParameterAsText ( 1 ) # list of GeoVRML files outFC = arcpy. GetParameterAsText ( 0 ) # list of input features spatialRef = arcpy. This sample is designed to be used in a script tool. A range of times from the start time and end time can also be specified by setting the EnforceTimes Boolean to True. '''********************************************************************* Name: Model Shadows For GeoVRML Models Description: Creates a model of the shadows cast by GeoVRML models imported to a multipatch feature class for a range of dates and times. Point and line geometries that may exist in a 3D file are not maintained in the output multipatch feature class, as multipatches do not support them. If point features that define the position of each model's centroid in real-world coordinates are available, consider using the points as inputs for the tool to georeference the models. If the 3D models are oriented properly for a given coordinate system and only need to be shifted to the correct position, consider customizing the Coordinate System properties to produce the necessary shift.If the 3D models need to be rotated and shifted, consider performing spatial adjustmenttechniques to position the features properly.Such features can be georeferenced to real-world coordinates using one of the following methods: Many 3D models are generated using local coordinate systems that center the XYZ axis on 0, 0, 0. GeoVRML is the only format that has a defined coordinate system.

If the top side of the resulting multipatch features are oriented sideways, try adjusting the orientation by using this tool again with the Y_Is_Up parameter enabled. Shapefiles do not support the retention of textures. Preserve the texture of 3D models by storing the output multipatch in a geodatabase. Imports one or more 3D models into a multipatch feature class.